Tanzania emblem
Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania

Makumbusho ya Taifa la Tanzania

Dira na Dhima

The National Museum of Tanzania is a body corporate established by the National Museum of Tanzania Act, No. 7 of 1980 (Cap. 281). It is an educational and cultural institution for the collection, preservation and research of scientific and cultural objects relating to Tanzania’s cultural and natural heritage. NMT is a Government institution under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (MNRT). The Management of the NMT is vested to the Board of NMT. The Director General is the Secretary to the Board and the overseer of day to day operations of the NMT


To protect, promote and manage the national heritage for awareness creation and recreation of the present and future generations.


To have a society with a strong sense of value and pride of its heritage and culture for sustainable conservation.